Well hello there, Beautiful Human.
There's never been a better time than now to feel your healthiest.
Do you feel like you’re not being listened to?
Hi there, I’m Ashley, and as a Certified Nutritional Therapist and Restorative Wellness Practitioner, I’m here to help bring understanding to the most complex thing in the Universe…the human body! Now we do know that there are many complexities of the human body, some things we may or may not ever know or understand, but in our day-to-day, there are many areas overlooked, much medical gaslighting that happens, and an overall sense of feeling of hitting dead-ends and running around in circles. How many times have you heard how complicated your body is, whether mentally or physically? How many times have you felt or thought that yourself? How many times have you been told there’s nothing wrong with you, but you still don’t feel your best? Labs come back normal, but you don’t feel normal? Intuitively, you know something’s off, despite every professional telling you you’re fine. Perhaps, you’ve heard, “Just go on the pill for your symptoms.” How many times have you sought out help for your body, but never got answers?
Yup, that was me.
Here on this page, in this community, you aren’t complicated. You are beautiful. Each of us has bio-individual needs, and sometimes it’s as simple as hormone balancing, gut health repair, mindset and mental health re-wiring, or change of lifestyle, that are often the tools needed to reach your most optimal health. Something the modern day healthcare system often overlooks. Working with me, we will evaluate and deepen the connection with yourself through a holistic practice, using your mind, body, and spirit. Whether that’s through learning how to eat to your bioindivideal needs, learn how to live to your cyclic nature, learn how the body keeps the score, get to the root cause of your signs and symptoms, all while finding balance. It’s important to remember that your body isn’t working against you, it’s always there to work for you. No, it’s not failing you, it’s asking you to pay attention and asking for help. You already have the answers, it’s just learning how to tap into those resources to create a lifetime of lasting change.
Why work with me?
Unfortunately, much of today’s healthcare system skips over the everyday, metaphysical things in your life that could be adding to your mental and physical state. You can’t have prime physical health without prime mental health, and vice versa. A pill isn’t the fix to a symptom. Getting to the root cause of the symptom is. With a 7-10 minute average doctor visit, most of these things are overlooked or never asked. Physicians alone only receive one semester of nutritional education in the four years of medical school with zero holistic education, and unless they are going out of their way to receive this education elsewhere, putting a bandaid over the core issue is a common solution. If you identify as a female, your female anatomy deserves and requires a whole different type of approach than a healthcare system that’s been primarily studied on the male body. In fact in fitness studies, women are only accounted for in 30% of research. This lack of inclusion carries over into many other studies, like vitamin and medication research, as well as many of the books in the health and fitness industry, written solely on the circadian rhythm, or 24 hour clock, and neglecting our female infradian rhythm each month. Yup, once again, great for men, but not for women. Regardless of your gender, you deserve to feel seen and heard, and have someone advocating for you reaching your optimal health, as well as deep diving into what is driving your current signs and symptoms.